There is nothing that can prepare you for an emotional awakening. But when it happens to you, it can change your life. Continue Reading
Category: Destinations
What to Know Before Visiting Auschwitz
Visiting Auschwitz concentration camps in Oświęcim, Poland last year was by far, the most educational experience I’ve ever encountered in my life. I do not believe I will ever manage to put into words just how much of an impact it made on me. Recalling my visit now disheartens me, and it is honestly difficult to write about. But I feel it is important for us to reflect on history, in the hopes that it will never repeat itself. Continue Reading
Let’s get right into it, shall we? I had a terrible time in Prague. I suffered a breakup, which drove me to lie in bed watching Netflix, instead of exploring the Czech capital. I regret my inability to get off my ass, but tough times call for New Girl re-runs. As it turns out, I almost didn’t incorporate Prague into my blog at all. I figured I had nothing to offer my readers, I took very few photos, and I held a bitter taste in my mouth reminiscing on my time spent there. And yet, here we are. And here is an unhelpful travel guide to Prague.
You’re welcome.
I am currently writing this blog post from the comfort of my Brooklyn apartment, wearing an oatmeal mask on my face, with a candle lit, and a hot cup of tea by my side {obviously}. This is the first time in weeks, maybe months even, that I’ve dedicated a night to pampering myself and blogging. Continue Reading
Museums featuring beer and sex, cafés offering the best ‘leafy greens’ anyone could ask for, and an entire district dedicated to prostitution. And they say Las Vegas is Sin City!
When it came to planning my year of jet setting around the globe, my destination list had various requirements. For example, France and Italy were shoe in’s given I had never visited before {so, duh}. Croatia made the list per my travel companion’s request, but ended up being one of the most beautiful destinations ever documented on this blog. And during the colder, greyer months, I wanted to surround myself with color. In addition to random {but ever so important} travel requirements, I was always on a budget. Therefore, cost was a huge factor in the planning process. Continue Reading
There are certain destinations in Europe that everyone wants to visit. Paris, Rome, Barcelona. You probably know, because you probably want to visit them as well. As wonderful as many of these destinations are, there is no doubt they will be swimming with tourists, even during the off-peak seasons. There are a few locations in Europe that weren’t necessarily on the top of my travel list, but after visiting them I can recommend to everyone. In some of these locations, I had such a magnificent time that I would return to them before seeing Paris, Rome, or Barcelona for a second time. Continue Reading
Recollections En Route: I Left My Heart in Berlin
I was very surprised by how quickly I fell in love with Berlin last year. Germany, in general, has made it in to my top three travel destinations OF ALL TIME. Unlike London, another city that stole my heart immediately, Berlin didn’t have a fancy parliament building or colorful streets to showcase its charm. Belin was rough. It was honestly one of the least aesthetically pleasing cities I’ve visited.
And maybe that sounds cruel.
But the fact that Berlin was less than visually appealing had no effect on my love for the city. In fact, I love Berlin even more because of this. We are talking unconditional love here people. Continue Reading
A Quick Guide to Berlin
It is no secret that I absolutely love Berlin. I only spent a couple of days in this German city {wahhh}, so my time was limited upon arrival. Luckily, I was able to fit a lot in! Though my feet were beat by the end of the day. I suggest spending weeks, if not months, in Berlin. However if you are short on time, I am here to share with you a quick travel guide to Berlin. Continue Reading
As the sun began to set over the city I now call home, I couldn’t help but ponder the idea that this dream of mine almost didn’t happen. Although I had always hoped to return to the big apple, my plans had been set on another course all together. One just as fulfilling, but with less skyscrapers. Continue Reading