Another experience I will never try to forget, was our hike to Mt. Doom {Lord of the Rings. No? Nerd alert #sorryimnotsorry} also known as the Tongariro Crossing. All jokes aside, this trail took all of our efforts. It took us seven hours from start to finish and, at one point, we found ourselves climbing on a complete upwards vertical angle.

But, even after the pure exhaustion set in, we couldn’t deny that the views were 100% worth it. Continue Reading

Recollection En Route: Rafting in Rotorua

Before studying abroad in New Zealand in 2012, I was unprepared for the amount of spontaneous adventures I would embark on.  I am not your typical ‘outdoorsy’ girl. However, something about being in the country of adrenaline filled activities and blood pumping adventures empowered me to channel my inner Bear Grylls. Or at least my tamer version of him.

One of my top experiences in the land of the kiwis was white water rafting in Rotorua. Continue Reading


When traveling the world this year, I was on a mission to dip my toes into as many countries as possible. Life is too short, and I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to explore a new culture, country, or city. That being said, it is impossible to truly appreciate everything a city has to offer when you are visiting for such a short period of time. If I could visit every single country and city again at some point in my life, I would. However, I usually prefer to visit a new destination when given the option. I plan to travel for the rest of my life. It is a passion of mine. If given the chance, these are the cities I would hands down, most definitely, without a doubt, visit again.  Continue Reading


And it’s ‘New Music Friday’ on Spotify which always lends itself to wasting time, writing and discovering new tunes. Even in Paris. The fact that I can articulate the day of the week is impressive at this stage of traveling. I have lacked any type of routine or structure for weeks. The last time I spent this amount of time in a single city was, oh wouldn’t you know it, Paris.

So I’m back. Continue Reading