There are many things I understand about this world. For example, I understand that hard work pays off. I understand the color wheel. I understand how to do laundry. I understand why sunshine is beneficial to someones health. I understand technology. I understand smoking cigarettes attributes to lung cancer. I understand climate change.


There are also many things I believe in. I believe in karma. I believe in equality. I believe in importance of education, both in a classroom and through life experience, travel, etc. I believe in smiling at strangers. I believe in personal hygiene. I believe in the power of laughter.


And then there are things that I do not believe in nor understand. I don’t understand how planes stay in the sky. I don’t understand how I arrived home to a Trump presidency. I don’t believe in Santa. I don’t understand losing multiple friends to cancer. I don’t believe in destroying of our eco-system. I don’t understand how music taste can be so subjective {Why don’t you love this song by Selena Gomez that I continue to replay, and tell me I have terrible taste in music?}. I don’t believe in marriage, to an extent. I don’t understand the obsession with Beyoncé. And I don’t understand how I am single again.


But it’s okay.

Because the biggest thing I’ve come to understand is that life goes on.


Regardless of whether you are prepared for it or not. Life does not stop for anyone. You are not supposed to understand everything. But you must be willing to try.

You can be upset with your life. You can cry. Protest. It’s okay. But then you have to move forward. Because honestly, you don’t really have a choice. Moving forward doesn’t mean giving up. Don’t get it twisted. If something doesn’t go your way {politics, love, cooking rice…}, you just fight like hell to make sure the next time it does. Better yourself. Better the individuals around you. Better the world.


And if worse comes to worse, imagine yourself back in Paris. Croissant in hand. Sitting in the sunshine. Without a worry in the world. Just for a moment.

That’s my plan.


I am safely back in California with the mild winter approaching. Let’s be honest, the sunshine has been present the entire week I have been home. And I am not complaining. I cannot wait to continue to catch up with family and friends over the holidays. And eventually find a new reality.

That’s it for now!

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