And a Rainy afternoon in Paris. And a Rollercoaster of a year. And Reminiscing. And a Ring that I don’t seem to have the heart to remove from my finger.

If you asked me in this moment, how I arrived here, I wouldn’t have an answer for you. I had so many expectations for this year. 2016 was supposed to be a big one. And it did not disappoint. 2014 was rough. 2015 was filled with unbelievable growth. But 2016? That was reserved for adventure, broadened horizons, and hope.

I got that. With a lot more baggage {literally and figuratively}.

To put it simply, shit happens. And sometimes there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. And regardless of the consequences, moving forward is the only option. North, South, East, or West. The direction is irrelevant, as long as it is forward.

I have never considered my life ordinary. After all, we are only given one of these things. I throw myself into the unknown, more often than not. I take risks in life and love. It doesn’t always work out in my favor. But I hold on to the belief that it will all be okay. Eventually.

2016 was supposed to be my eventually.

I have experienced beautiful moments in 2016. And a lot of them. Not many things could overshadow these. But shit happens. And now I find myself looking for eventually again. So yes, if you asked me how I arrived here, I wouldn’t have an answer for you. But I am moving forward. Like you do.

The blog posts shall return. And travel plans will continue. And holidays are returned home for. And new beginnings are outlined. And nods are given to the French woman who asks you to watch her belongings while she uses the ‘toilette’, of which you only guess is the exchange of words at this point.

So, that’s where I’ll be. Waiting for the French woman to return. Just don’t ask me how I arrived here.

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