We all have guilty pleasures. They are rarely shared… as this would completely contradict the guilty portion of a guilty pleasure, but this is my blog and I don’t mind contradiction. So here I am, sharing my greatest guilty pleasures.

There is a lot of purple in this post, FYI. Not purposefully. But I don’t hate it.

Also not a guilty pleasure.

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1. Taking Pictures of Myself

Or having others take them of me. I’m the first to admit this and make it pretty obvious via my blog. My friends and boyfriend are my ‘Instagram Husbands’ and they know it. But it doesn’t feed my ego. I don’t necessarily enjoy the looking at myself part of it. But more so enjoy capturing moments, outfits, or new content for my blog that I can later share with others. Looking at female travel / lifestyle / beauty / bloggers / etc. on Instagram and other blogs, keeps me entertained and inspired for hours. I just want to grab a bat {or camera} and get in the game too. I know it’s all smoke and mirrors, but still… ‘put me in coach’!

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2. Musicals

You could put me in a standing room only section of any musical, in any theater, and I can promise you I will enjoy myself as much as someone sitting in the front row of a Beyonce concert. An Australian gent in a bar recently told me his guilty pleasure was watching ‘The Hills’ and continued to list off each character in the show. I mean, being from California I must have watched ‘The Hills’ religiously. It must be a guilty pleasure we share. And yes. I did. So yes. We did. But when asked the same question, ‘attending musicals’ was my immediate response. This turned out to be a guilty pleasure we did not share and that I have rarely shared in common with anyone else. Making it very guilty. But very much a pleasure.


3. Eating Frosting with a Spoon

Preferably the cream cheese frosting from Betty Crocker. I just grab a spoon, open the tub, and go to town. Almost always after a bad day. But let’s be honest, I really don’t need an excuse.

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4. Being Right

I think we all enjoy the feeling of ‘being right’ in an argument, at work, during Jeopardy, etc. And I’m not a competitive person… until I win. Maybe it’s the legal degree talking, but being right, or correct, after all evidence is provided is one of the best pleasures in the world to me. In any circumstance.


5. Watching Make-Up Tutorials on Youtube

This is like therapy to me. About a year ago, I hopped on the beauty bandwagon and started watching Youtube bloggers {aka vloggers}. The reality of the videos they produce make me feel real guilty about this pleasure. It’s literally them, sitting in front of a camera {solo}, plus five or six lights to make them look flawless, doing their make up. But something about someone explaining how they blend out foundation is soothing to me. Something so materialistic, it allows my mind to take a break, shut down, and relax for a moment. To focus on something irrelevant and somewhat mindless, and deal with any problems at a later time.


6. Accents

And it’s not even an attraction thing, although people with accents tend to be more attractive in my eyes. My boyfriend is a Kiwi after all. But there is an intrigue about meeting someone with an accent. I immediately want to know more about a person when I hear them speak with a twang, a ‘poshness’, really anything. Because it’s different. And I like different.


7. Rainy Days

Most people despise the rain, especially here in London. I mean, I get it. It’s more consistent here than most places in the world. But rainy days are more often than not, my favorite days. As long as I can stay indoors with candles lit, a trashy show to binge watch, and a cuddle buddy. Maybe it’s because I’m from California, the sunshine state. I guess you always want what you can’t have.

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8. Buying, Exchanging, and Buying New Clothes

I have a weird habit of buying new clothes, taking them home for about a week, and returning before the deadline to exchange the clothes. I then buy new clothes to replace them. And repeat the entire process. Let’s be clear, I do not wear these items and then try to pull a fast one on the shop. I genuinely decide within the week that I have buyers remorse and must make a better purchase. Blame it on my shopping addition, blame it on me traveling the world for a year and wanting to be frugal, blame it on the ah-ah-ah-alcohol. It brings me joy.


9. The Color Pink

I feel like it is uncool to like the color pink. Unless you’re 11. But I gravitate towards the color pink everywhere I go. Buildings I want to photograph, candles I want to burn, clothes I want to wear. Any shade. Any item. My nails are pink at the moment. I have a pink hair dryer, pink straightener,  pink comb, pink dry shampoo, pink travel bag, and pink phone case. And that’s just whilst traveling.


10. Being Alone

Some people find the idea of being alone daunting. And lonely. But I find it an absolute pleasure. This is my greatest guilty pleasure in life. I have gone to the movies alone, flown alone {many times}, sat at a restaurant and ordered an entire pizza alone, and finished it alone. I always welcome the company of others, but I truly love having full days to myself to do what I want, when I want. Call me anti-social, but I don’t feel an ounce of guilt for this one.

And that wraps it up. My greatest guilty pleasures in life. Though not all guilty, they are not always the first thing on my list of things I share with those around me.

On my way back to London from Manchester this afternoon after another long weekend! Tennis, hiking, and lots of tea drinking was all on the itinerary. I only have two months left in London after this weekend spent away! And one of those will be spent in Sweden for Midsummer.

Time to hop on the train and order a cuppa.

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