I have officially arrived in London

…but not before being detained in customs for five hours.

Regardless of the less than friendly welcome into the UK by immigration, I have been settling in quite well to my temporary home. So far, I have been able to take the following from my first week in London:

  1. It is cold. And not the chilly, crisp cold we experience in California. It is bone chilling cold. I was exploring the neighborhood this afternoon and found myself questioning my ability to walk as my legs suddenly had no feeling in them.
  2. That being said, my second realization is that awful weather 24/7 is a myth. Since my arrival, I have experienced two very sunny, lovely days. Yes, rain is inevitable. Yes, you must be prepared for a change of forecast in a moments notice. But constant, dreary, awful weather? I am not convinced.
  3. The one stereotype that does seem to fit is the love of tea in this country. Not being an avid coffee drinker myself, this is fine by me.
  4. I still walk on the wrong side of the road and catch myself participating in the “awkward dance left-right-left, oh sorry!” with whoever is approaching me on the sidewalk. When I previously blogged in New Zealand and Australia a couple of years ago, I specifically remember documenting my failure to adapt to the correct side of the road when walking, driving, etc. Things haven’t changed. I retained nothing from my time spent living in NZ and AUS.
  5. The tube is such an easy form of public transportation. I mean truly. Everything is color coded and explained in such a simple way. Get it together America!

It has been a transition this first week as expected, but I cannot wait to begin exploring this magical city.

I have very high hopes for my time here in the UK and Europe. 2016 will be a year of adventure in its purest form. It’s not every day you quit your job, pack a couple bags, and buy a one way ticket to a foreign country. Well actually… it seems to be a pattern in my life.  Sometimes occurring within a weeks notice. But each time I do, I gain a world of experience and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

…but seriously

It is cold.

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